The materials in this database are current as of their indicated creation dates. They will not be updated to reflect changes in law or national policies. Please do not rely on any statements as to the state of the law in the materials without checking for updates in the law.



Welcome to the archival database of the Supporting Inclusive Resource Development in East Africa (SIRD) project.

SIRD was a six-year project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, from 2017 to 2023. SIRD’s goal was to improve outcomes for East African citizens, particularly women, that result from the operations of extractive industries in the region. The project operated in three East African countries – Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda – and at the regional level with the East African Community.

SIRD was funded by Global Affairs Canada, and implemented by the Canadian Bar Association, in partnership with three national law societies – the Law Society of Kenya, the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS) and the Uganda Law Society – and the East African Law Society, an umbrella organization for the legal profession within the East African Community.

SIRD created many resources for the legal profession and for the general public in East Africa.

  • For the general public, SIRD created public legal education materials to inform individuals and communities of their rights relating to extractive industries and how to enforce those rights. This included women’s rights to share in the benefits of extractive industries.
  • For lawyers, SIRD created training programs on issues relating to national and international laws governing extractive industries, and techniques for effective lawyering for those representing individuals and communities affected by extractive industries.
  • Regular Bulletins carrying project news throughout the duration of SIRD.
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