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Session 5: Natural Resource Governance

Session 5 took place over two days, September 19 and 20, 2019 in Dar es Salaam. Day 1 focussed on revenue management. Day 2 focussed on gender issues in revenue management.

TitleCategoriesFile SizeFile TypeLinkdoc_categories_hfilterfile_type_hfilter
1. Introduction to Revenue Management, Transparency and Accountability, , 824 KBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
2. Resource Contracts, , 532 KBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
3. Resource Contracts – International Regime, , 940 KBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
4. Transparency and Accountability, , 746 KBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
5. International Case Studies on Transparency and Accountability, , 1 MBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
6. Closure Obligations – International Frameworks, , 1 MBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
7. National Closure Obligations, , 489 KBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
8. Gender Issues in Policy, Legislation, Contracts, Revenue Management, Transparency and Accountability, , 1 MBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
9. International Perspectives on Government Tools to Achieve Policy Objectives, , 672 KBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
10. Government Tools in National Policy and Legal Instruments, , 475 KBpdfsession5-tanzania tanzania-sird training-materialspdf
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